Greener energy is any energy type that is generated from natural resources, such as wind, sunlight, or water.

One of the key points with these energy resources are that they don’t harm the environment, through elements such as releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Everyone is or should be doing what they can to be green. Sooner or later, resources that we utilise today such as coal and oil, will eventually be gone.

The quickest growing energy source is renewable energy with 43% of electricity now coming from it in the UK. 90% of electricity in Scotland comes from renewable sources. The UK is making good progress with the hope using 100% green energy one day.

Clean energy is the cheapest it has ever been. Over the years green solutions have been developed including: but not limited to, solar panels, lithium-ion batteries, LED lighting, wind turbines, super trucks, smart grid technologies, refrigerators, carbon capture, and nuclear energy.

There are 4 main areas that are improving how energy is stored:

  • Batteries
  • Zero-carbon fuels
  • Thermal Storage
  • Nuclear Power

Is your company improving or working on a project(s) that will help make our future a greener place? Many clients at RDP Associates ask whether or not they claim R&D relief on certain green projects and activities and the answer to that is yes!

Eco-friendly Energy

Energy coming from the sun and wind produces very low to zero carbon emissions. Although the world is in a position to switch over to eco-friendly way of living, people and companies continue to make advances.

The challenges we face with greener energy

But, one challenge we face is harnessing the power of the wind and the sun. Another example is that when we want to generate electricity from renewable sources. So, therefore, we need more ways to find more reliable sources to gain a greener future.

The government wants to help with R&D claims in the greener energy sector.

Some areas of R&D Tax Credit eligibility may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Expenses to materials to utilities
  • Improving the performance of bifacial solar panels
  • Developing efficient energy storage devices
  • Is developing products to last longer
  • Developing clean biomass energy plants
  • Installing better groundwork for the installation of renewable infrastructure
  • Developing a prototype tide-based energy generator that resolves cost and environmental issues associated with traditional methods
  • Developing improved designs for photovoltaic cells to reduce reliance on heavy metals
  • Development new battery technologies to enhance range and portability
  • Staff salaries

So, if your company is working with said technologies or invests time and resources in projects involve one of more of these area, contact us and we provide multiple examples.

Get in touch with us here for a free consultation to discuss your green energy projects.